Friday, July 11, 2008

India- Focussing On Press

Is Indian press obsessed with the nuclear deal? is there nothing else that is happening in India? What kind of coverage is being given by the press in India to the following? Let us talk about that.


A large portion of country is facing draught. Rain has been playing games and farmers are worried that they will have no water.

Two years of train blast-

today we complete two years of blasts in the trains in Mumbai. Is any body talking about that? No, all the television reporters ate only discussing nuclear deal with all kinds of leaders who seem to enjoy seeing themselves on the tube. Who is worried about the blast victims?

Kabul Blasts-

three days have passed after the Kabul blasts. It seems that it is already a forgotten chapter. As if no body was killed. Only one or two channels gave some coverage. No body else bothered.

Aarushi Murder-

If they can not get a politician to talk, they will get some body else to talk about Arushi murder. CBI is investigating the matter, but some channels feel that viewers are interested in knowing every detail everyday.


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