Tuesday, July 22, 2008

India- Furture Of Rahul Gandhi

At present India is focusing on a new leader who is emerging fast- Rahul Gandhi. What impact will Rahul Gandhi have in Indian democracy? Let us try and understand.

The Indian National Congress is full of old politicians who are not known much for their honesty but more for the wily moves they can make. All of these leaders can secure their own parliamentary seat but can make no contribution in getting a majority for Congress in the country.

2 Rahul Gandhi is meeting people around the country and trying to solve their problems. Let us say that he is rather trying to understand their problems. This will give him a vision of what is happening.

3. Today Indian polity is getting sharply divided amongst caste and religion. It is the caste that is becoming a card in the hands of politicians. Arjun Singh is everyday talking about more reservations based on caste. This is not forward-looking thing. But this may get votes. Rahul has not come out openly about his opinion on caste-based reservations.

4. Rahul Gandhi talks of uniting the country with single thought of taking it forward where as the regional party chieftains are making a big impact because of their moves in their states. Mayawati has done that in Uttar Pradesh. How will Rahul Challenge Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh?

5. In Gujarat also Rahul failed to make much impact. And so also with Karnataka.

The problem with Rahul Gandhi is simple. He has a different kind of view of politics and elections. His party members do not understand that. Also to fight the local politicians’ old style politics is needed. Rahul cannot make an impact in the short term. He has to do something like his grandmother to grow in India. This is the reality of India.


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